Sl.No. Particulars L.K.G U.K.G I-II III - V VI-VIII IX-X
1 Composite Fee (Quarterly) 11430 11430 11430 11760 12000 13200
2 Examination Fee (Yearly) 900 900 1000 1000 1200 1200
3 Admission Fee (For new students only) 32000/- 32000/- 32000/- 32000/- 32000/- 32000/-

  • Board Registration Fee and Board Examination Fee will be charged as per the instructions of C.B.S.E.
  • Fee will be accepted in Indian Overseas Bank through cheque or through Demand Draft. Fees to be paid quarterly. It must be deposited between pt to 15th of the first month of every quarter, failing which a late fee of Rs. 100 per month will be charged. Such fees will be accepted only from the 1st to l 51 of the next month.


  • School fees are payable in four quarters.
  • Fee payments are to be made at the Indian Overseas Bank, Ansari Road, Bulandshahr through demand draft/cheque in favour of Nirmala Convent School.
  • Write Your Ward’s Name, Class, Section, Fee Book Number, Telephone number at the back of the DD or Cheque.
  • While depositing fees, please make sure that all the particulars are clearly filled in all the slips.
  • If fees remain unpaid till the 15th of the concerned Month of every quarter, a fine of Rs.100/- per month will be charged till the end of the month and after which a fine of Rs.300/- Will be charged for every installment.
  • No payment will be accepted by the bank after the due date.
  • Dues for each term have to be cleared in order to appear for the terminal exams.
  • If your cheque comes back for any reason fee will be accepted by the school office by D.D. with a fine of Rs.500/-
  • A month’s notice must be given in case of withdrawal of a student from the school or else a month’s fee will be charged.
  • In case of lose of Fee Book a duplicate may be issued on payment of Rs.20/- per book.
  • Installment Months are: April, July, October and January.
  • Fee is accepted from 1st to 15th of every instalment month.