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Education Vision
The Institute of the Clarist Franciscan Sisters of the Most Blessed Sacrament, founded by Mother Seraphina Farolfi in 1898, is a religious society committed to:
The education of the young with a preferential option for the poor , the marginalized and under -privileged in the slum/ interior rural areas.
The care of the orphan/destitute children/ working girls from lower income group and lonely old women.
The service of the sick especially in the remote regions.
The society considers school as an effective agent in promoting the integral formation of the child in the Gospel spirit of love and freedom-a love that excludes no one because of religion, nationality or race-in order to shape a better human society.
Its educational service aims at forming students to be intellectually competent, morally sound, psychologically whole, spiritually oriented, culturally integrated, socially responsible, growing in friendly and harmonious interpersonal relationships, imbued with a deep sense of noble values and concern for the less fortunate and ever open to further growth.
The society endeavours to create a school climate as the nucleus of wider better society by:
Acknowledging God’s tender love as the binding force of our pluralistic community and following the teachings of Jesus Christ, the master .
Providing a healthy and morally sound life style that liberates the child from the forces of evil in the cultural, economic, social and political order .
Rejecting counter values that threaten human dignity, viz, violence, racial hatred, injustice, daily crime etc.
Rooting out all manifestations of egoism namely rebellion, jealousy, prejudice, hatred, revenge, etc.
Fostering noble virtues like affection, respect, obedience, gentleness, forgiveness, gratitude, helpfulness, service, and good example.
Promulgating peace, justice, freedom concern and progress for all, especially the downtrodden, bearing in mind that everyone is a child of the same Father created in His own image.
In its pursuit of excellence—the fullest possible development of all the dimensions of the pupil’ s personality—the society strives to engage men and women of high professional competence, moral integrity and dedication.
For the realization of its educational objectives the society relies on the whole-hearted co-operation of the parents, the authentic personal witness of inspired, competent, committed teachers and the genuine receptivity of students.