Album Title : 56th Annual Function (Juniors Wings) on 29th October, 2018

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Description: 56th Annual function was celebrated in our school with great pomp and show on 29th october, 2018 (classes LKG to III). The programme was started with welcoming of chief guest Ms. Gunjan Singh (Alumni) with school band. She was honoured with shawl by Sr. Leonardo and Sapling by Ms. Kiran. Lamp lighten along with Sr. Daisy. School Principal Sr. Daisy addressed the parents, then Annual report of Session 2017-18 read and shown through mime. The little Nirmalarians presented their attempt of love and kindness with mesmerizing prayer dance, continued by skit along with few dances such as Welcome dance, School dance,Party dance, Drill , Carnival dance, Angel dance and Bird dance After the skit, chief guest enriched the audience with her treasure of Golden words. She was presented a moments by the principal Last but not the least the programme was ended with National Anthem.
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