Album Title : Seminar for Classes -IX & X

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Description: Date- 7th September, 2018 Time- 08:00 A.M. to 10:45 A.M. Class-X Resource Person- Sr. Zita Cutina Rev Sr. Zita Cutina was Welcomed by Mrs. Poonam Mathur. Sr. Zita motivated the students, made them emotionally strong and effective so that they can perform well in studies. By her motivational talk students learnt to be hard working, disciplined, patient, focused and to have strong determination to achieve their goal. Programme was well conducted and turned out to be very beneficial for students to deal with their stress & distributions. Class-IX Time-10:45 A.M to 01:30 P.M. Today seminar for students of class IX conducted. Resource Person was Rev Sr. Zita Cutina with multifaceted questions. She guided and motivated the students to achieve success through proper planning and learning. She highlighted the importance of hard work, which is the key to success by showing videos.
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